Ph. (07) 578 4110
With the price of new furniture becoming ever cheaper, you may think it’s more affordable to buy new than to reupholster older items.
Sadly, the reason for the lower price is often because of lower quality. Much lower.
In fact we’ve been asked to refresh furniture items that are only a year or two old, yet are impossible to save.
For example, in the last couple of years we’ve seen furniture frames stapled together from shipping pallets and “springs” made from strips of car tyre!
And while quality cushions and squabs are usually reversible, new furniture cushions are often “one-way-up” only.
Worse, the covering is glued or thermally-bonded to the foam so it can’t be removed and repaired.
But there’s Good News:
Older furniture is often fairly cheap to buy, because it’s faded, worn, or out of style. Yet because it’s been built so well, restoring it is a straightforward process.
When reupholstered, you’ll end up with a solid, comfortable, stylish piece of furniture for about the same cost as new, anyway. After all, the cost of labour, foam and fabric, is spread over the dozens of years that an older chair will last. That can seem minimal when compared to buying something new, which needs replacing within 4 or 5 years.
Considering your budget for a furniture reupholstery project? You should include the cost of the fabric, new foam padding, springs, webbing and other replacement parts, and the cost of labour from qualified furniture reupholstery specialists, like us.
It’s not just about the cost. Usually, our customers are concerned about more than just the cost.
For example, you might want a softer or firmer seat, higher/lower or wider arms, more/less back support, etc. So what you’ll be getting is furniture that’s custom-tailored just for you.
Or perhaps it’s your opportunity to give a new look to an item of sentimental value. You can’t really put a dollar value on restoring a favorite wing-back chair inherited from your grandparents, but there’s enormous satisfaction when you can give it many more years of life.
At The Upholstery Shoppe we’ll honestly tell you if your furniture items are worth reupholstering. We enjoy working with quality, well-crafted furniture and extending its life for future generations.
Make a time to talk to us about the furniture you’d like to have reupholstered.